The topic of the study is Human Resource Management in Hotel and Catering industry (A case study of Royal Palace Hotel Enugu). The researcher used both the primary and secondary data in the course of the study. The primary data was collected through the instrument of questionnaires and observation. The secondary data was sources through textbooks, journals, magazines and Libraries. The research design for the study was the survey research. The population of the study was 82 employees of the establishment. The sample size of the study was 63 employees derived using the Yaro Yamani formula for the determination of sample size. A total number of 63 questionnaires were distributed and returned thereby having a hundred percent return rate. The researcher used sample percentage and chi-square as statistical tool for the analysis. The study revealed that the majority of the workers in this establishment are ignorant on pay determination method which shows that management does not involve workers in the machinery or the mechanics of payment determination. The workers role is reduced to that of a rigid adherence to rules and regulations. The researcher recommended among others that broad personnel policy study be embraced by employers in the hotel industry.
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